Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Every growing men must go through this - But not alone

Demographics have shown that 30% of Singaporean men
remain single after the age of 40
Spending most of their time with aging parents,
​or eating dinner alone in their 600sf home.

I could have been one of them
At first, I was ashamed to share with you my story
Hey, why not because I was just like any of you

Paul Teo growing up
Born Singaporean into a typical Singapore family,
Grew up in a 2 bedroom hdb in Haig road with my extended family of 10

being taught to not talk to strangers
And be careful when speaking to girls
Where I grew up, Haig Road
I used to face the same problem with woman as much as you do

Have you Ever walked past someone that you like and didn't have the courage to talk to her?

I did.
Countless times.

Before I discover the beautiful psychology of attraction
There were numerous opportunities, people, women whom I could have initiated and become
More than friends.

In my earlier years, I would see this attractive beautiful woman from afar
And watch how happy she is with someone else
All dressed up ready to go clubbing
Years back, There was this unforgettable time at a club, I remembered it was at zouk
First time going to a large branded club
Totally excited about going out to meet new people with a few of my poly mates

You guessed what happened the whole night when I was there?
So many beautiful people all around but I just didn't know what to do

So I ended up sitting in a corner with another single guy friend talking about women and guys stuffs instead of
Talking to women!

Yes the whole night.
10pm to 2.45am closing

Watching how other couples and friends happily enjoying themselves and having fun was always my envy

Who does not want to be in a great company of friends and having our girlfriend with us?

Instead of embracing the wonderful spirit of female companionships, good buddies
All the time I ended up jealous and envy why some guys seems to have better luck with women
I started to hate men who are good with women
I started to detest women who only like fun guys

And this happen for a long time, living in jealousy, anger and of course the unbearable feeling of being left out and lonely

Can you imagine
My buddies around me started to get attached
The women whom I met only treat me as only a friend (yes ALL of them)
Just wanting to be able to put a smile to a woman who I just met (a smile of interest, but not those kinda 'I'm just being polite type')
Having unbearable feeling of how it really feels to just be loved and can love another woman?

Numerous nights I have doubts about myself
For years and years

I ask:
Am I fated to be the last single friend in my community of friends or family?

Yes, I do have a few 'puppy relationships' every now and then
But they were the ones who pitied me and gave me a chance

Should not I have the equal chance like any other men
To be with someone whom I like and she like me as well

I'm Wondering why the people I'm are attracted to are not attracted to me
And just happen to be 'lucky' to be with ones who I didn't really feel for

I tried. Didn't turn out well.

Believe my experience as I openly share this
No men feels good being in a pitied relationship

And it's affecting me a lot.
Im losing my ability to focus and the sense of insecurity creeps in stronger everyday

At one season,
I tried to isolate myself from the world
By playing video games like final fantasy and many time consuming role playing games that will allow me to be a hero in the game

Keep doing the same thing by leveling up

Playing video games takes away my zero in life to become the hero in fantasy
But it didn't took me long to realized everytime I competed a game,

I felt totally lost about what's next

Then I realized,
It will repeat for every new video game
Nothing's Gona change unless I do something about it

Explore Something different

It's not about the girls around me
It's about me

My desire to get a girlfriend who I really like was still there and I refused to believe I'm fated to be single forever

I prayed
I asked
and God sent me the answer after many years again

attracting women becomes so naturally easy
I discovered the key to unlocking
Psychology of attracting women and with this gift
The rest is history. 
So what is your story? 
Whatever your story will be, we want and will be part of your growth

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Succeeding with woman together as a community

No man is an island.
There can be no true individual success as this success only display unwillingness to share and help.
A person who is inward is a failure.
Individual success, no matter how great, can never be greater than group success.
Individual success compared to group success, is very easy, because you only need to care for yourself.
Having individual success is not difficult, almost like a joke. One can have all the successes he strived for up to a point… what’s the difference for another one. Eventually, the feeling of emptiness will creep in again, like what happened to me, at a more terrifying quantity as the success he strived so hard and spent so much time for is not what he wanted.

Anthony Robbins (World renowned life coach): But how do we make sure that we enjoy a life of happiness and satisfaction when a man does not really need much for himself?
To answer this question, we have to understand a quality of a human, makes me proud and should make you proud too. ‘Man we will do more for others, than they will ever do for themselves.’
Enjoy helping. Easier said than done.
Also, having people around who acknowledge you contributions, especially when there are female companions around, shows that you are a social proof person. This is a very big turn-on for women as they know that there is a man whom other men respect, something the individual high-flyer will not have.
So many stories of how our friends have contributed to our success. I am really grateful for what Mr S did for me towards the end of the Dec field trip. He is more to me. If he did not help me open up the gorgeous Korean women, if he is not sensitive enough to move back when the women was more interested in me, I wouldn’t have a great time with them and close her email.
Although I don’t if I am able to get her in the end, what really matter most is the self-esteem you gave me. Thank you Mr S, you really made a difference.
Powers of social proof
Your friend matters more than a new girl who you just met.
Man to man talk about friendship loyalty (意气). Women to man talk about feel and seldom talk about love (which cannot come before feel). Feel can change (obvious) and I didn’t say loyalty cannot.
But at least, loyalty and friendship cannot change overnight as it has been build so dearly by our blood and sweat (perhaps tears lolx), something that is worth spending a lifetime cherishing.
Having said that, to be honest, I really don’t deserve any credit for this article as a person who don’t practice what he preach is a liar.
Up till now, I am still not a very good team player. At many times, I will just slip back inwards to the selfish me. Please be patient to guide me back to the spirit of brotherhood. I promise to listen.

Let this spirit always be the one that helps the Brotherhood stay together.
I look forward to day where all of us, brothers, sit together at a restaurant beside the evening Hawaiian beach, enjoying the sea breeze with our woman and wine.
Thank you Brotherhood.
Your sensitive, attractive man,


Graduate, Married


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Truth revealed about why being small is attractive

Building charisma doesn't work by taking  a one -time pill

Nor by attending a weekend bootcamp.

it's a lifestyle. An attitude. With people.

Men and women.

And how can you optimize your learning experience sitting in a large classroom filled with so many people?

It's the same for building relationship with woman. Imagine being at the F1 event where there are countless of attractive women around, but none that you can built a personal moment with.

In our class, we emphasise on exclusivity.

Teaching you how to build that special one on one moment under any scenario.

We demonstrate this. We are good that this because we believe. Even our class is compact and closely knitted.

It's like personal coaching system on each of you.

Men in smaller classes perform better in much more areas compared to peers from large seminars. Class size between 5 to 10 promotes consistency and long term sustainable results, and isn't that what often missing in large training seminars?

"Smaller class size enhances learning", "for a basic common sense reason"

It helps our coaches in getting to know you better. Everyone individually is treated with exclusivity and 100% attention. You are not just someone in our class. 

You could be our next leading coach, who knows?

We treat you with utmost respect because being respectful is the ultimate attraction

In fact, a smaller class should mean additional cost, but our community is here not for the money, it's all about having this platform for men like you and me to grow together. 

Wingmen for hired? Never an issue because every graduate is treated equally in our brotherhood. Everyone is like family. Brothers. 

Never shy to share or be completely open.
We value success, your success. Community success.

After all, nobody blows their own birthday cake alone.

Be captivated by the lifestyle that every men desires, with your woman, with your friends.
Long term success. With a healthy community.

Our coach will be assigned 1 to 1, including our Charisma mentor coming down to walk the ground with you. Yes, powers of personable. We walk our talk. 

Come our house and drink beer with anyone of us

To impact this art of making people feel personable and special, we make you feel the same.

Don't spend any more unnecessary money any more until you meet us. 

Let our powers of sincerity charm you to our dating classes.

See ya buddy

Your faithful charisma mentor
Paul Teo

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Simple girl getting formula

Dear friends,

Here is the world's simplest formula for getting a girlfriend

Attract + Connect
Suppose you have already attracted the gal, so let's get into building connection

First, comfort must be established.

How does comfort helps in getting a gal..

1.she will let her guards down
2.she's more willing to let u invade into more private parts of her life, in turn allowing you to find out more about her and work on it.
3.If a gal feels comfortable with you, she will be more than happy to come out with you for a second date.

How to build comfort and connection?

1.Establish common grabpoint eg talk bout women's common topic, fashion, accessories etc

2.Use a more relaxed and slower tone to talk to women, it will makes the women feels more relax and at the same time it will hide your nervousness and anxiety if there is any

3.Be genuinely interested in the women's topic, prompt her to continue on her conversation using conversation enhancer like carry on, tell me more etc. and let her know you find her interesting.

4.Display abit of vulnerability at times, for instance tell her bout some embarrassing things which happens to you in the past or when you are asking her about some topics like handbags. Play noob, this will enable her to speak more and lighten up the tense feeling which she might have while talking to you for the first time

Additionally, get her to feel closer to you by sharing some secrets of yours to her while she is telling you her hobby.

For instance when she says she likes movie. you can tell her, looks can be deceiving, although I look really aloof and cold hearted, but there's another sentimental side of me which you dunno.

My favorite movie of all time is Titanic and I remember crying so badly when I watch it for the first time. Until now, I still find it embarrassing. Imagine a big boy crying at home watching DVD.

Lucky I never watch it in the cinema. That will be so embarrassing lolz. Anyway, this is a secret between the two of us and no third person should know about this. Additionally you can throw in a lame joke by saying, I know who to kill if anybody else were to know about this.

Things to watch out for

1.Excessive comfort, and you will end up in the friend zone or become her "sister" as she starts pouring out her woe to you. You won't want to end up in the situation whereby she turns to you whenever she has emotional needs, but to other jerks for sexual needs.

2.It's good to be funny, but some topics although funny to man will be offending to woman. Avoid jokes on politics, race, religion

So gentlemen,

Let's keep life simple.

Meet the woman, attract and connect.

There you have a wonderful date.

Build comfort and connect, because it's
YOUR window to intimacy

SS and Paul Teo

powers of passion

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Should dating education made compulsory in Singapore?

Do not read on if you are already married or attached:
This program is only for the single, available gentlemen

Frustrated about understanding what women wants?
Learn the systematic way to break the women code
It's not going to work, unless..

Monday, July 27, 2015

Seasons of attraction

Having being able to attract anyone anytime is a skill that comes with responsibility. our level of responsibility comes along with season, as we constantly grow and learn about it, from ourselves, from role models, from God. 

Our role in life is to inspire, influence and impart. To others, to our children, juniors, subordinates, community you name it. We may not be conscious every moment but we are influencing.

The energy that we carry from our believes, values live with us and within us. Strangely, little animals (pet dogs especially) can feel it, children feel it. Women can pick it up. Easily. it's just like confidence. You cannot fake it. Eventually people who know you long enough will realize that you are either a sincere friend or a very good actor. 

We are talking about long lasting congruence and confidence. And how do we begin to develop from nothing? We don't. We all have it from the start but choose to believe we lost it along in life. 

People changes through relationships. Friendship, families, romantic relationships. When you love and treasure a relationship, a part of you is invested into him/her and you both become one. Even in friendships. Every time a relationship fails, she takes away a part of you and you take away a part of him. 

You go through cycles of emotions, you evolve and grow. An inter-personal experience that is purely exclusive and personal. Experiential leaning.

Nobody can even teach that, and our creator made us this way to feel the way we should. 

Feelings and how we choose to be responsible to our actions during emotions. We have seasons for everything. 

A man in his teens may feel as much as a man in his late four ties should that be a loss in a relationship, break up, death or failed marriage/relationship. The recovery is very much dependent on his responsibility to his community, career and family who needs and want him to pick up fast. 

Having said, we all need time to go through the richness of emotions.

There can't be joy without sorrow
Happiness without being sad
Feeling abundance with falling desperate
Accomplishment without failing
Courage developed fully from fear 

Having clarity of purpose in life, needing to first go through seasons where everything seems lost and doubtful. 

And if you are feeling and experiencing either, please give yourself the gift of going through 100% and take all the time you need to recover. There is a reason for what we need to go through to develop roots for the better

There will always be the sunshine after every rain. 

How do you enjoy the rain while you hide indoor or carefully stride with an umbrella? 

Drench yourself in the bad weather, for soon you will have to keep your umbrellas, because the sun will soon rise again

Faithfully yours, 

Signing of as your Attraction Coach
Paul Teo

Exciting programs await at

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Attraction is showing appreciation

To my beautiful wife,
Before u wake up, or should I say before u even sleep, Perry is crying and when u feed his hunger, Desiree starts crying. One thing I learn in engineering school which is wrong, 2+2+2+2 is not equal 8 hours of sleep.
Sleeping late is one thing, giving up time and passion is which extraordinary women will give.. easily said then done which u exceed. Which women is willing to give up her attraction, time and pursue of love but to give only one sided love to her children who they cant even pronounce I love you?
You did.
A husband coming home, to go to his home office and focus back on work is not new to u, but the least he can give is not how's the kids are doing or why the home is not clean.. but just a simple I Love You, which I believe I did not give enough.
Yes I need a break, but who spares a though for the woman of the house who is always 24-7 on duty?
Coming home to expect a wife who is already a ready mother and lover need 2 hands to clap, and i admit i am the man who has been tapping on, not clapping with. Its easy to kiss and hug our kids, the real love comes from washing the poo and whispering one sided I love you when I scold you.
This is Paul Teo reposting as his weekly blog and if pride is in the way dont ever commit to a long term relationship. The man is forever the leader in any relationship and may you find true happiness.
Fact: a happy wife brings a happy life. Unless you really did your best, else follow the above mentioned.
Every relationship is work in progress and if you want to seek a relationship where you can call it a completed end game when you get her... Good luck keeping it.
Else my advice, stay single
Lots of love,
Paul Teo

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Why do successful people go through multiple failed relationships

A successful man is attractive. Woman fall for men who are attractive and confident. And its the choice of the woman to decide what kind of relationship that she chooses once the man won her heart.

An attractive woman never lack options. But every attractive woman has relationship stories that rewinds in their heart with pain, fear and insecurities

Love is a choice, our relationship status is a choice.

Believing we don't have a choice is also a choice.

Attractive and successful people go through so many failed relationships, failed businesses or took a lifetime to find worthy friends/partner. Everyone know success is a journey, not a destination.

The woman behind every successful man continuously reminds and empowers the man's decision towards his vision.

If only there could be a mobile application that allows all of us to recognize if the next relationship, partnership will be meaningful or meaningless, would you download it? Imagine if you do, where will our learning curves be already knowing the results?

Faith and wisdom is acquired with age, but we will age meaninglessly without learning experience. Relationships are so filled with joy, love and passion, but when they fail, pain, loss and grief is unbearable. 

Both grows us, the love and the pain. However learning the art of attraction does help alot in walking an effective journey of self discovery.

Nobody says we have to walk alone on this journey of success. There are so many role mentors who has found their passion. Since seeking true passion of life is not a brand new path, why not seek to be better prepared?

Rest assured, even with preparation, the joy of love and suffering of pain is never lesser. But definitely much more manageable and easier to recover.

Successful men and women dare to try.

Once bitten, twice shy and still try.

Because they know the next one they are going to meet still deserve 100%, not less just of the previous bad fall. Everyone deserves our 100%, all the time because beauty lies in the eye of beholder who chooses to be authentic.

Nothing beats the pain and grief of losing loved ones, and should we recover from it, what cant we recover from? Recovery is attractive, it's inspiring.

Make a choice to be attractive, because we truly are. 

I know I am, because my kids and wife believes.
Thank you dear wife for believing in me

You are attractive, just because I believe. 

Your faithful attraction coach
Paul Teo

Friday, June 5, 2015

How anyone can attract anyone, again!

Welcome back.

It has been 3 years since I last wrote on this blog. Thoughts came into my mind. Watching men and women letting opportunities slip by in their lives. 

An unexplainable pain that I know I could do something to help, but as we know, the daily work and family stuffs just tied us up. 

No one should ever be left alone. Everyone deserves to feel confident and attractive all the time. To be appreciated, loved and in meaningful relationships. Both men and women. 

Life is even wonderful when we share stories and celebrate victories with our loved ones.

Waiting for the right timing to come back and help out in the attraction community.

Timing is everything.

I am back. To empower both men and women in the art of attraction.

Stayed tuned for updates

Paul Teo
Your faithful attraction coach
Powers of passion attraction academy
Married, father of 2

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Congruence on being attractive to women

You will know when you meet an attractive man, who is both equally attractive to men and women, and is consistent in all areas of his life.  

Their energy, passion and confidence radiant from within themselves.  

Attractive men are congruent. Superheros are congruent. 

So what does congruent mean?

In agreement or harmony. In other words, living a life in alignment to values, beliefs, vision, mission, desire, goals and dreams. Knowing where you are and where to go.

Focusing on the goal, example: to be an attractive man is just the end result, just like the intension of becoming successful with women.

One cannot just have intension to be successful and attractive just by wishing for it to happen.

Be clear of WHY do you have this GOAL.

Recognize the surface ego needs versus our deep values and mission.

To establish congruent in every area of our lives, our being: Emotional, physical, relationship beliefs, career and spiritual.  

You may desire for women at the ego level but at the spiritual level you may seek to experience growth in certain areas.

You need and MUST have consistent beliefs, the way you treat and respect women must be the same way you treat the women in your family. (not sexually related)

If that is not the case, solid beliefs that align with our values needs to be established.

Once you start doubting or worrying about whether you can become and attract success, it will never happen.

Ensure consistency with this belief until what you intend is manifested.

Align your powers of intention and desire.

Following the spiritual law that ‘Like attracts like’ - this energy will go out and attract back to you what you sent out.

How do you know when you have a congruent life?

All areas of your life are no longer separated, they become a wholesome integrated one where every area mutually supports, nourishes and reinforces strength on each other.

An attractive man is consistent in the being that he shows up to people in his life, family, friends, lover, ex lover, colleague, clients and strangers.

Any lack of self attraction and interest for the people and in him at any point of time, in any area will reflect incongruently, spreading the lack of conviction and hammer away the confidence.

Being aware of your own weakness in which ever area is a good start.

Passion cannot be faked, and how much you enjoy BEING YOURSELF can be felt.

The way that all the different parts of your life are connected together can work very powerfully for you if you let it.

A good piece of advice is to get a copy of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, read it and start applying some of the wisdom that’s inside.

The summary is that you need to get to know both your IMAGE and your TRUE SELF.

With the sacrifice of leaving behind the PAST SELF that was conditioned for years, and they no longer serve your new purpose.

Upon understanding yourself on a deeper level of your values, beliefs and purpose, mission and vision, decisions becomes easier, clear and quick.

Confidence arises and congruent brings attractiveness

Attractiveness brings fulfilment in your life and improves the quality of the relationships with women you are going to create.

Do this for yourself, not for others and ironically,
others will get to enjoy what you can create with them.

Be clear and congruent
Become Attractive and keep attracting.

Enjoy and be responsible


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Modern dating lifestyle in Singapore

Health, wealth, Relationships with women

Better health, more money, quality woman in our life.

What is the quality of the relationships that you have with the women in your life right now?

It's never later to be Attractive, and it's always grooming yourself to be the best everyday.

Times are changing, are you up to date?

If the only constant is change, are you in the RIGHT community of liked minded people, to grow and excel together?

Mr Stew, our leading graduate / associate dating coach has put together POWERFUL TIPS to better enhance your lifestyle.

Tough Education to Delayed Adulthood

“Work on your life skills first, don’t waste time on boy-girl relationship.” So when do we

stop? Many kids were forced to stay away from love since young, only to start learning

too late and lagging behind. I see many of my male friends very successful with life,

but lagging in their skills for women. Same goes to female counterparts. Love comes

in waves of desire and urges, when they don’t work out, men and women just go back

focusing on their careers. As long as we don’t breakout out of this vicious cycle, there

will be still a part of us left miserably empty. So practice love asap.

Distractions from Foreigners

Foreigners are perfectly fine. But if men and women are not going out with opposite

sexes in their own backyards, don’t you think the foreigners are just a distraction.

Singaporeans are a conservative bunch. Foreigners are carefree in terms of their social

vibe. Singaporeans are career-driven, and very attractive to foreigners. They are not just a

distraction, they are a strong one. But trust me, the grass is not greener on the other side.

Never Good Enough

The very basic of getting the opposite sex you admire is to first improve yourself. We

subsequently become more attractive and have more choices. But unfortunately, we tend

to tighten our standards and expectations on the opposite sex, and become harder and

harder to satisfy. And so we improve ourselves again and the whole cycle goes on. Please

know when to draw the line, ladies and gentlemen.

Love Wounds

Writing this article in Starbucks at Raffles City, I saw a girl on earphones with teary

eyes. She was the same girl that queued in-front of me, would have brightened her day

by chatting up with her. And so I did, in-front of me chatting with me now on the same

table. Love wounds slow down our love lives, but the more you get wounded, the faster

you pick yourself up. Everyone is wounded, not only you.


I define sex something like a contract of the bonding between a men and women.

Unless the contract is sign, both of them are going nowhere. But unfortunately, I suck at

seduction. Would be expecting another article on it from another POA guy.


And so the list goes on and on. I have a strong belief that for a relationship between men

and women to work, men must earn the trust of the women, and women must know how

to trust men. That is.

And to best invest your time this coming WEDNESDAY, 7PM, come for our

Modern Attractive Man workshop.


Unless you have a super hot date, come meet and greet the like minded people.

Till then,

Enjoy and be successful with women


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Art of Winning Alpha Men

For many years, the success being at the Top 5% of the Best can now be shared among the rest of the community.

Men has been known to fight for 2 main reasons:


Now, what if an opportunity with a woman you like has been threaten, with possibility that the woman who likes you might not be going home with you tonight because of stupid logistical reason, a male friend.

Our POA chief instructor shares his international experience on disarming the male friend, and attitude to managing the situation.

Or you might, after closing the woman, make another great guy friend, who knows.

1) Make your enemies friends through diplomacy
Make friends with the competitor. Make him your friend by using disarming obstacle tactics while at the same time standing at a position of favor (in btw the target and competitor).

2) Marking your territory

In comfort switch to
Kino mode.use the body language and intensive kino (better with c3) to show that the set belongs to you while at the same time being friendly to competitor

3) Create alliance with the neighbor and attack the enemy far away-Make sure the targets friends are on your side

This can be done by building rapport with the targets friend. Or with a wing who will dhv u to the group and also build ioi to the targets friend

4) Create a distraction in the east but attack the west

The wing can distract the competitor by befriending him and chatting with him about interesting geeky stuffs like soccer or computer games. Better if the wing bounces him for a smoke

5) stratagem of beauty

A wing can open a neighboring set and introduce to the competitor. Distract him while u concentrate on your set. If you're alone u can introduce other girls in the same set to him to draw attention away from
Your set

6) hunt in packs

If competitor is in smaller
Number it's easy for the brothers to disarm him. Better if in situation where you have social proof so to build social proof helps

7) when overwhelmed make a retreat

Make a swift bounce to a favorable location if you're surrounded with
A bigger group with more social proof.if not execute strategy (2) swiftly or use distract to divide and conquer

8) adversity is opportunity -be cool

To be calm, composed and confident at these situations despite multiple attacks shows an exceptional frame.only a true alpha male can handle such situations with ease and women can smell this easily

Face the fact, obstacles are everywhere in life.

Remember if you can't beat them, join them.

And I warmly welcome you to our community of healthy Attractive men.

Enjoy and be responsible

POA academy

Monday, October 17, 2011

To Love is to Let go

As much as the saying goes, is your glass half full or half empty?

Now, what does that really means to you when it comes to matters of the heart, where the glass is your heart and the water, the emotions or love.

Before any one can start the journey of self discovery, Powers of Attraction or Life Mastery, the number one thing that all Masters will advice is:

Let go.

To change or accept anything about yourself in our lives, the best place to start is to embrace the art of letting go. And this is a lifelong learning skill.

Learning to let go of knowledge and allow the wisdom to stay.

Letting go of what 'I know' allows us to Discover.

Knowing is useless, unless an action is taken, comes along the discovery.

It is like knowing you NEED to empty the glass versus actually emptying it is different.

The difference is the experience.

I have found this very inspiring article about the CB CRAB (Coast Blue) and I will like to share this story with everyone who wants to let go, move on and grow.

The Coast Blue Crab

I am often reminded of how a Gulf Coast Blue Crab grows. When it outgrows its present shell, it has to shed this old shell and grow a new one. IT HAS TO LET GO COMPLETELY, hold on to absolutely nothing all the way down to its fingers and claws. It has to let go of the struggle itself.

But can you imagine having a choice in this situation? I am afraid I would want to hang on to the old comfortable shell until the end...wouldn't you? Just think of yourself, knowing that to live, you have to let go of your comfort. familiarity and protection. But also knowing that to stay in the old shell would limit you so to the point that eventually you would suffocate and die.

Growth for the crab is very difficult. It has to risk shedding its old familiar shell, become a soft crab again and be vulnerable. To survive, it has to go to the bottom, go into the mud and be associated with other crabs also on the bottom. The surviving crab must learn to have faith that its shell will become firmer and larger each hour. It develops a faith in its pain while it is growing and maturing and learns to believe that it will be prepared for what is currently unknown to it.

Holding on is not only about holding on to the impression that past relationships, past experience and moments created. It is also about holding on to a belief that no longer serves us, just like reluctant to let go of the old shell of the crab.

This can go on for days, months, or unknowingly, years can pass.

Changes are always taking place and there might be pain going through these changes. It's the excitement of the growth that motivates the pain.

The possibilities that can happen:

Letting go of anger gives you happiness in new direction

Letting go of resentment gives you space to love

Letting go of former relationship, gives you options for many more

and letting go sets you free and open up your heart.

If you don't let go, you may one day find yourself holding on to an empty, dying old shell. When we cling on to someone else, we are also slowing him or her down and ourselves as well.

Just think of the crab whenever we are stuck, are we choosing to hold on to our OLD SHELL or do we want to let go and look forward to embrace this new change?

Remember, time and tide waits for no man.

Your woman do not deserve to wait for the man where he takes his own time to let go.

Your woman deserve a man who is FREE with an OPEN HEART and READY for new POSSIBILITIES.

Letting go does not means the women, the knowledge, the experience is gone forever.

It only means that you treasure it important enough to set it free and come back if it's meant to be.

With this arrives a new horizon of wisdom, strength and love in your frame.

We can always recreate a new relationship with existing someone or someone new upon letting go.

And this choice, you can let it happen right NOW.

Choose and decide, because it's never decided until an action is taken.

Be responsible for your life,

Be attractive.

